Our World: Burrell Creek Falls

Burrell Creek Falls, Reliance, Tennessee.  October 23, 2013.

Burrell Creek Falls, Reliance, Tennessee. October 23, 2013.

(Note:  All pictures may be enlarged by clicking on them.)

This is my post for the Our World meme.  This meme is a second generation of My World Tuesday created by Klaus Peter and is hosted by five wonderful ladies.  To learn more about our world or to join and share your part of the world, click HERE.

In late October we met our blog friends Patti and Neal for a couple of days of hiking and sightseeing around Cumberland Gap National Historical Park.  Neal grew up in the area, and on our second day he took us to some of his old stomping grounds.  Along the way he told us that he knew of a little waterfall that we might like to see.  He didn’t know the name, but he thought it was pretty.


Neal was right — it was a pretty little waterfall.  A little research showed that the waterfall was on Burrell Creek.  Betsy and I were happy to add it to our collection.

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17 Responses to “Our World: Burrell Creek Falls”

  1. imac Says:

    Beautiful George, lovely scene.

  2. Eileen Says:

    Another pretty waterfalls. You seem to find all the great waterfalls, George! Have a happy day!

  3. Rose Says:

    It is a beautiful waterfall…Neal looks like he is right in the middle of saying something!

  4. Karin Says:

    It’s so lovely to find such a treasure along a hike! Refreshing!

  5. sylviakirks Says:

    What a beautiful waterfall, George!! You do find the great ones! Hope your week is off to a great start!!

  6. dayphoto Says:

    It looks like spring there…YAY!!! Spring and running water!


  7. MaryBeth Says:

    Very pretty. A lovely long waterfall. MB

  8. rhiebert Says:

    That is a very pretty falls.The fall leaves add to the beauty of these pictures.

  9. Ms. A Says:

    LOVE the stairs of rock that water is falling over!

  10. Linda at To Behold The Beauty Says:

    That IS a pretty little waterfall. And not one that everyone is likely to seek. It takes a friend like Neal to help you find it.

  11. I Am Woody Says:

    What a beautiful place!

  12. Andrea Says:

    What a beautiful falls, i love it! If only there is something like that here. Is the falls due to melting ice, so it dries after sometime?

  13. ladyfi Says:

    What pretty falls! A lovely find.

  14. Rajesh Says:

    Very lovely waterfalls.

  15. Blackberry Lane Says:

    It really is a lovely waterfall and how kind of Neal to share it with you guys.

  16. Busy Bee Suz Says:

    I love it….so sweet to share with your friends!

  17. Sartenada Says:

    What a lovely waterfall.

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